[RADIX] Rotating Valentine Heart Lamp
[RADIX] Rotating Valentine Heart Lamp - 100% Original Mesh - 1 LI - Material Enabled - For Decoration - Light Switch, Rotation Switch, & Main Switch On/Off Built-in - Menu Security
** Super low land impact & high quality mesh design will keep its shape even if you zoom out
To see the material settings, shininess, and reflection, you will need to have Advanced Lightning Model & Shadows Settings enabled in your viewer. It can be done in Preferences -> Graphics. Check in the box [x] Advanced Lightning Model and Select Shadows Options as Sun/Moon + Projectors. Then Apply settings.
[▪ ▫ FEATURES ▫ ▪]
1. [RADIX] Rotating Valentine Heart Lamp
2. Light Switch, Rotation Switch, & Main Switch On/Off Built-in
3. Low 1 Land Impact & High Quality mesh design that keeps it shape even if you zoom out
1. [RADIX] Rotating Valentine Heart Lamp~ 1 LI
2. instruction notecard
3. landmarks
Modify - Copy - No Transfer (some scripts are not modifiable)
[▪ ▫ HOW TO USE? ▫ ▪]
* Using the Lamp: Rez the lamp on the table. Then click on the heart lamp and choose ON main switch to turn on the lamp. You can also manually turn on/off the light and/or the rotation
* Menu Security :the security function allows you to set Owner only or Anyone mode.
[▪ ▫ TELEPORT ▫ ▪]
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Thank You!
- Light Switch, Rotation Switch, & Main Switch On/Off Built-in
- Low 1 Land Impact & High Quality mesh design that keeps it shape even if you zoo