Now Holdup! WAYDA MINUTE! OMG! I am back with a new hair release! As you know, I shared a WIP a few days ago of a few braided hairstyles that I had worn in my hairbase ads but never released! So many of you asked for the hairs used, & now they are available to you! YAY! I have made mullllltiplee chest sizes for these braids for chest, & baggy clothing. I also made straight & editorial styles. Rigged in multiple head & chest sizes + KUPRA. With the new hair comes a GORGEOUS braided down SKINLESS HAIRBASE which is completely compatible with every color of REVOUL's Hair chart, they are also tintable to be any color! Braids have
rubberbands in 12 colors which are available in the Style Pack. Last but not least, I also made them UNRIGGED (resizable) as well!
Try out a demo, it includes the BRAIDS & HAIRBASE!