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RKM KXM #5 Dirt Bike

RKM KXM #5 Dirt Bike

Pop wheelies, blip the throttle and boost yourself through any terrain, these bikes are a lot of fun anywhere you go. MC tracks, golf courses, mainland, at home etc.

→→→HOW TO RIDE/TECHNIQUES: it is recommended that you use both hands for this bike, one hand on WASD/arrow keys and the other hand on PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN....

*Shifting Gears: hold SHIFT and press LEFT or RIGHT keys to change gears.

*PAGE UP does a wheelie but is better used for moving through terrain, tap PAGE UP when going down a downward slope to gain a slight speed boost or press PAGE UP when landing to get a bounce boost. feathering/quick tapping PAGE UP to keep the front wheel slightly off the ground is a fast way to travel through rough terrain.

*DAB: use key PAGE UP when turning either left or right and when bike is leaning on its side then tap or press PAGE UP to make a sharper turn

*PAGE DOWN: key PAGE DOWN tilts bike forward, good for climbing over obstacles, climbing steep hills or adjusting bike in the air



*Avatar Position: Click motorcycle to bring up the menu... choose: POSITION> ALL> and adjust your position on the bike from there.

*Resize Motorcycle: Click motorcycle to bring up the menu.... choose: OPTIONS> ADVANCED> RESIZE.

*Adjust Motorcycle Handling: Click motorcycle to bring up the menu.... choose OPTIONS> CONTROLS> and from there you can select one of the handling features to adjust.


I hope you have as much fun as I have on these motorcycles, they are built for fast movement through any terrain. You can always adjust the bike handling in the menu, but i recommend you get used to the default settings. The default settings are skilled based, the faster you get on these dirt bikes, the better you will be at driving any vehicle in Second Life... as the saying goes in real life"if you can ride a dirtbike, you can ride any bike" does not come with a hud, does not need one however it uses ACS scripts so just about any ACS hud will work with the bike

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