[RNP] Yoga #17 - Sarpasana Snake pose - Full Perm Animation
☛ "See Item in Second Life" ⬇⬇⬇ Direct teleport to the animation demo.
☛ The basic info is provided on the texture above.
⋙ http://thenestoftheraven.webs.com
⋙ http://thenestoftheraven.webs.com/faq.htm
⋙ https://www.facebook.com/rnpanimations
⋙ Main Shop: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Krystaland/158/231/34
⋙ Adult Center: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Krystaland/220/212/2002
For all additional questions not answered on this page or our FAQ web page, please use mailbox at the entrance of the main shop:
IMs and sent NCs might be not received, or might be overlooked.
[RNP] holds you, as a customer, responsible for careful reading of description of the item. Also, it is on you to get familiar with the skills needed for creating in Second Life.
Ignorance or lack of time for get to know the TOS is not an excuse for copyright infringement!
No refund on Full Perm items.
❻ TOS for Full Perm [RNP] products
⋙ Builder's version of animations are sold with full perms in order for them to be used to their full potential.
⋙ All animations are for Creation. Anything you build with them you are free to sell or give away.
⋙ Before you sell or give away your creation, you have an OBLIGATION to set permission for every animation you are using for your creation. In Content Tab of the object, right click the animation and set COPY OR TRANSFER permission. You are NOT allowed to set both! Setting both Copy and Transfer permissions is TOS violation by itself.
⋙ You are NOT allowed to sell / give away / transfer any of Full Perm [RNP] products as such, but only as part of your creation with the right perms.
⋙ TOS applies regardless if you are buying [RNP] product for commercial or personal use
By purchasing [RNP] Animations, you are confirming you agree on [RNP] Terms of Service
[RNP] Animations assumes no responsibility for:
⋙ your knowledge about additional items/scripts/animation systems needed for usage of the animation
⋙ your choice of preferred animation system
⋙ preferred viewer, your internet /sim performance, viewer cash, computer capabilities
⋙ avatar shape/clothes/shoes/heel hight/mesh body/body fixes/body add-ons of your choice
⋙ your lack of time to read provided info or to try demo in the shop
⋙ your shopping style/investment decisions
⋙ bad weather, lousy days, family members in the room when you are opening adult content, poor memory, group join/subscribing decisions, tight pants/shoes, frog in the drawer, your dog/cat nor your children.
If you are beginner, be sure to get familiar with following areas before investing money into expansive animations or engines:
⋙ Full perm products and their usage
⋙ Basic Building Techniques of Second Life
⋙ Animations systems like MLP and AVSitter
⋙ Creator's Permissions and Terms of Service
Building groups like Builder's Brewery are always good starting point!
I am an animator, not builder nor scripter, so I cannot help you with building/scripting issues that might occur in your work.
RohanaRaven Zerbino
[RNP] Animations
- Full perm animation only
- No props/decor included
- Builder's licence apples
- No other perms available
- No refund on full perm items
L$ 300
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed