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..::RO!ACT::..DESIGNS Full Perm Fern Alpha Textures

..::RO!ACT::..DESIGNS Full Perm Fern Alpha Textures
..::RO!ACT::..DESIGNS Full Perm Fern Alpha Textures
2 Reviews

Thank you for taking an interest in the Fern Textures from ..::RO!ACT::..DESIGNS. For more home and decor products please visit my store on SL Marketplace

To keep updated on the latest releases please visit the ..::RO!ACT::..DESIGNS Blog here

If you have any issues with this set of textures please IM or send a NOTECARD to Ariana Monaron and I will do my best so solve it.


Terms of sale for full permissions textures:

You are not allowed to distribute for free or resell these textures, original or modified, as textures themselves, separately or as part of a pack.

You can use these textures freely for building your own objects that can be freebies or products for sale as long as they can't be extracted from your item.

Violations will be reported to Linden Labs under the American DCMA Copyright Act and this could result in your suspension from Second Life.

These textures are not refundable as they are COPY/MOD/TRANS.


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Not bad
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted October 11, 2013 by Ais Aeon

Not very high rez and the "vibrant" colored fern is actually a bit too vibrant and hard to make it look relaistic even with tinting.
Still, as a 1 leaf fern texture, this does its job.

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Worth it.
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted January 11, 2012 by Oscelot Haalan

While these weren't as high res as I was hoping, they were good enough.. you can't tell unless you look closely that they aren't high res. I spent literally three hours last night searching for a picture of a single fern leaf, and spent ten seconds today on the marketplace out of curiosity. This does what I need and it does it reasonably well, and for a price that can't be beat.

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L$ 99

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Ro!Act Designs
Ro!Act Designs
Sold by: Ariana Monaron

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