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ROQUAI's 7 Sins

ROQUAI's 7 Sins

HALLOWEEN Pack 2014 is out!
Ever wanted to express your sins?
Now you'll have 7 chances doing so:

lust (All Sizes)
sloth + sloth loose (for thin shapes)
pride (L) + Pride's Throne (animated/MESH)
wrath (L) + Wrath's Bat
envy (M)
gluttony (M,L) + Gluttony's Barrel with (animated) Wine
greed (All Sizes)

SINGLES are available IW!
Find the MIXED (green) pose-stand.

Please note, the faces where animated by a HUD that is NOT included in the pose-pack. Look up the MP, there are some pretty cool ones for free available!

I hope you'll enjoy this supper!
Please, rate it, if you like what you got!

A wicked Time!

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  • 8 static poses.
  • 3 props. partical mesh.
  • poses are copy.
  • props are copy + mod.
  • 3 shapes.