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R(S)W Draped Stool - Hope Quilt

R(S)W Draped Stool - Hope Quilt
R(S)W Draped Stool - Hope Quilt
0 Reviews

If you like quilts and comfort, you'll love this stool!

This 100% mesh four - legged stool is carefully made of light cherry wood, in the Craftsman style popular 100 years ago. Someone has draped a quilt casually across the top, and it falls in graceful folds to the floor. You'll love the detailed quilted texture, bright colors, and attention to detail in this piece!

This particular stool has a quilt that's a Robin Wood original design, featuring a bright central medallion with a border, echoed in similar stars on the four corners, and accented with bright wedges flying into the middle. It's called "Hope," and was first used for Relay for Life.

You and your guests will be quite comfortable on this sturdy stool, which has 8 sitting poses included.

There is some indirect shading on the quilt and stool, which will not fight with Advanced Lighting sources, if you happen to be using them.

The quilt and stool are a single piece (not a linked set) so you can't take the quilt off and use it someplace else. But there are plenty of faces, in case you want to tint things. (The quilt top and back are two different faces, for instance, so you can tint the back while leaving the top intact.)

The stool is copy/mod, so you can resize it, tint it, link it with other things, and add or remove scripts to suit yourself. (It uses Perfect Sitter for the poses, and the Perfect Sitter notecard is mod, too.)

The mesh and textures are original work. You won't find them anyplace else.

There are 10 different quilt designs available at present, as shown in the image above. Five of them are available here on the marketplace; four are only available in Robin's Quilt Shop on Livingtree, and one (the blue and white sampler quilt) is only available from the R(S)W Subscribo, which you can find at the main store.

If you would like one of my other quilt designs on a stool, let me know and I'll be happy to make it available for you! If there's anything else you would like to know before you buy, don't hesitate to IM me, Robin Sojourner, and I'll be delighted to answer your questions.

And check back often; I make new designs all the time.

See item in Second Life
  • Beautifully Detailed Quilt and Antique Style Stool
  • 8 Poses
  • Only 1 LI
  • Keeps its shape at lower LODs
  • Copy/Mod, so you can tint and resize to suit you!

L$ 125

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Robin Sojourner
Robin Sojourner

Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 1