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Raeuchermaennchen V1.02 No Transfer

Raeuchermaennchen V1.02 No Transfer

The Räuchermännchen is a typical wooden decoration for Christmas in Germany. It is a handmade craftwork from the Erzgebirge in Saxony.
To make these little wooden men smoke, there is an incense cone inside in RL.
Building a Räuchermännchen was theme in a bulding contest in the Leipzig Sim in SecondLife the 2010-09-03. I built it inbetween 2 hours. Later I made some minor improvements and reduced it to a realistic size.
To switch the smoke on and off, touch the pipe (not in demo version).
Available in a No Copy and a No Transfer version.

  • Typical wooden decoration for Christmas in Germany
  • Smoke switchable on/off