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Razor /// Mack Sweats - DEMO

Razor /// Mack Sweats - DEMO

Thanks for checking out this item.

The Mack Sweats fit with the Male and Female Standard Av, Slink Physique and Belleza Venus Body ONLY!

Razor/// is an official licensed creator for Slink compatible Items.

For more info on slink please see their website - http://slinkstyle.com/omnihud-v5/

I leave HUD based items no mod (most of the time) by default because many people were breaking or deleting scripts out of the items with out saving a back up copy. If you need a version of any Razor/// item Modify Please send a NC with your name and the item you purchased and i will get you a modify Copy. Please do not request items modify unless you have already purchased the items.

Razor/// Marketplace Front.

For older items please visit the =Razorblade Jacket= Outlet here:

- Please try Mesh Demos in world if you are unsure!

- Items are no transfer so there are no refunds. Shop smart! Try demos! Not all AVs are created equal. Mesh often requires adjustments to your shape to fit into the mesh correctly.

- Send a NC in world if you have any problems / double purchases / or failed deliveries. Send the Transaction #s!


See item in Second Life
  • Please try DEMO!!!
  • Belleza Venus Compatible
  • Slink Compatible
  • Standard Av Sizes Included
  • Fitted Mesh