Animated palm with real moving mesh parts to give the ultimate natural lifelike look.
First in the series of animated trees .
The palm has 4 animation of wind strength:
Calm, breeze, strong and storm.
Random: plays random wind strength animation and after some period of time switches to another.
Automatic: takes in consideration the wind strength in the sim and plays corresponding animation.
Scroll: scroll through the tree animations to select one.
Stop: disables the animation making the tree static.
The palm is copy, mod and can be resized, note that resizing mesh can change the land impact.
- natural mesh animation
- automated
- menu driven
- realistic
Love these!
Not only do these palm trees look so real, but they sway in the breeze beautifully. Love them!
I really like the wind blowing, makes my land look alive
Great looking Tree
Compliments my island getaway nicely, great job.