Rescueboat 2 Version 2.01
Hello. Rescue is a boat of version up.
Method of operation, overview and both previous work has changed dramatically. Because such as previous work also out error by now, was the version up to update.
Will shift up a gear change in the previous key, back is the shift down. It has changed the type to proceed without press and hold. I am equipped with wheels for landing from this time. In the left arrow key while holding down the shift key, the wheels fall, I will rise above stops the engine. Since the wheel becomes to move in the phantom, I will dive under the ground. To avoid it, please put out the wheel as soon as possible in front of the landing point, it does not sink, even at the ground mode. Also when entering from land to sea, it is better you switch to boat mode as soon as possible.
E , page up , menu start ------------ engine start
C , page down , menu stop ----------- engine stop ,moor
W or up arrow ----------------------- gear shift up
S or down arrow --------------------- gear shift down
A or left --------------------------- turn left.
D or right arrow -------------------- right.
shift + D or right arrow ------------ change ship or ground mode.
shift + A or left arrow ------------- engin up or down
click the body to open menu.
Did not work
Doesn't work. Just get script errors over and over. Tried rezzing a new one and resetting the script but to no avail.
1 star of disappointment.