G 全般

RiDECO - 1980's Van

RiDECO - 1980's Van

A rather filthy utility van, designed for filling up parking lots or other public spaces, without cutting into the region's prim count.


-Original Mesh, Created for SL by Renafox
-2 Texture options
-Materials Enabled with normal maps and specular
-Low land impact

Free candy not included.

  • High-Quality, Original Mesh Decor
  • 1 LI
  • Unscripted
  • Materials Enabled
評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
  • 5 スター:
  • 4 スター:
  • 3 スター:
  • 2 スター:
  • 1 スター:
It's exactly what you want
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2024/10/07 : Lain Addams

I was looking for a low prim, retro style deco-only vehicle for my home that is in an 80s themed sim. I have plenty of amazing looking cars and trucks, but they are all 20+ prims with tons of driving scripts and moving parts, which is not what I needed for a prop that was to sit in my driveway. So I started looking for some low land impact options. But lets face it, most low land impact vehicles look like mashed potatoes on sl. Not this badboy, though! First off, this van is 1, that's ONE, prim. ONE li. ONE. It has great edges, a smooth texture, nice glowy headlights...It's perfect. 5 stars all day.

