{Ribbons} Baby Chair - Pink
Available in 5 colors; Blue, Cream, Mint, Pink & Purple
-Always save a copy in your inventory before resizing, Sometimes there is a glitch in Second Life that will cause the resizing of linked objects to distort (especially when you are resize on only one axis, as opposed to resizing it on all 3 axis's at the same time)
-This baby chair was created, and posed using the Bad Seed Bebe Body, so some poses/animations maybe look different on other avatar sizes.
Resizer: There are two different ways to resize the chair,
1. While its rezzed out, just click it.
2. While sitting on the chair, click it.
There are 3 Static poses, and 4 animated poses. Pose menu automatically pops up after you sit on the chair.
When you first sit on the chair, you will get a menu listing the poses, click the pose you want to use. To select a different pose, click on the chair again, (when you do this, you will get both the Resizer menu and poses menu at the same time, click the ignore button on the resizer menu if you don't want to use it)
Adjusting the pose - in local chat, type: /1a , you will get a pop-up box with the adjustment controls, position and rotation. (there are also buttons to reset both back to their original positions)
Mainstore SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Turducken/223/58/29
See item in Second Life- Resizer Scripted
- Pose Menu
How can I use the pose?
How do I sit? I already tried and she does not sit