Riders Multi Giver Board - A Professional Solution for Every Business Owner, DJ, Auctioneer & Performance Artist
----Riders Multi Giver Board---- ((Video - Select "View Video" at the bottom of this page.))
Why Bombard Your Guests With Unwanted Inventory Gives & Automatic Notifications
Respectfully Give Your Customers a Choice with a Professional Appearance!
Perfect for Business Owners, DJ's, Auctioneers & Singers
The Multi Giver Board is an attractive fully customizable solution.
Set Actions, Order & Appearance to Best fit your needs.
In Addition to being an Online Notifier, Panels Upon Touch Delivers:
a. Note Cards
b. Landmarks
c. Objects
d. Group Invites/Joins
e. Web Links
f. Pay & Pay w/Split - For Tips & Donations
g. Mail List Joins
a. Automated Setup
b. Instructional Video (to view video now, select "View Video" at the bottom of this page.
c. Add Your Own Logo
d. Edit Frame Textures
e. Set Multiple, Note Card, Landmark, Object & Web Link Action Panels
f. Set 2 Group Join Action Panels
g. Set 1 Pay Action Panel
h. Set 1 Mail List Join
i. Get Mail/Subscriber List by IM or Email via Menu as well as Clear the list.
j. The board is copy/mod, after setup you can take a copy of the board and re-rez and use the same board setup anywhere.
As you have the option in the config to have the board notify you when each panel is touched, it might be a good idea to change
the name of each board that is rezzed to identify its location.
k. Copy/Mod 2 to 3 LI
a. Allow others to sign into your board perfect for Employees, Managers, Dj's, Auctioneers & Singers Working on your Sim
by adding them to the user list.
b. Pay action has an optional setting "pay w/split" to give signed in users a specified percentage of all Gratuity
c. Fully Customizable Hover Text Display. [on/off] [Change Color] [Owner Title] [User Title] [Full Customize line's 2 & 3] [Show Last Pay] [Show Total Pay]
d. Send IM on/off when a Action Panel is Touched providing Who Touched it, which Action was touched, Location & Name of Board
e. Customize Amounts in the quick pay dialog.
*Quick Set Up Instruction
*Riders Multi Board "The Giver" (4 Panel) [1X1 Logo Placement]
*Riders Multi Board "The Giver" (4 Panel) [1X2 Logo Placement]
*Riders Multi Board "The Giver" (4 Panel) [1X3 Logo Placement]
*Riders Multi Board "The Giver" (8 Panel) [1X1 Logo Placement]
*Riders Multi Board "The Giver" (8 Panel) [1X2 Logo Placement]
*Riders Multi Board "The Giver" (8 Panel) [1X3 Logo Placement]
*Panel UUID Texture Selector - A Panel with Over 75 Pre-Made Action Textures, touch to get UUID - Used when setting up the Board.
*23 Blank Panel Templates for creating your own textures
*Bonus texture package of 10 Carbon fiber textures to be used on the Boards Frame
Best regards & thanks for the support,
Race Kristan -
Riders World
Riders Font Factory
Riders Builders Square
Riders Breedable Prod.
Riders Western Wear
Riders Western Decor
you can't make a mistake
it's alright once you set it up but it's s huge pain to set up. i used the 8 panel version and you have to set up each panel one by one as the menu dictates. if you mess up you cannot just correct that one panel, you have to start the whole set up process ALL over again. most likely i'm going to get a different system because even though this one works it's difficult to set up and god forbid you have to change something later on.