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RipRock - Kit V68, Psd and Tga Files with Full perms with TOS

RipRock - Kit V68, Psd and Tga Files with Full perms with TOS

This Pack Include:
-Sexy Lingerie (upper and lower textures).
-Lolas Tango Appliers (only textures).
-12 tga files: examples clothes texturized in differents colors (check the poster) and blank textures.
-2 Psd Files (psd multilayered: lights, wrinkles, seams, shadows, extras and alpha channel)
-Samples layers clothes ready to resell in-world.
-Notecard with donwload link, no waitings!.

This pack do not included the lolas tango or appliers, included only the textures, you need search your own appliers package for use it with the textures.

Terms Of Use (TOS), buying this item you are agree with:

-Only will have the right to use this item the avatar that bought it (the name of the avatar of the transaction), even if you bought it as a gift you cannot use it, only can be used for whom the gift was given, you cant use your alts with this item.
-This item can only be used to desing your own clothes inside Second Life, and you cannot resell/give/share full perms or copy/transfer.
-You cannot modify or resell/give/share the textures, psd files, prims, tgas, sculpts or any part of the item with full perms or copy/transfer.
-You cannot resell/give/share the textures and none of included elements inside psd files of the item even if you have modified them.
-I dont give refunds or exchanges.

Any doubt or failed delivery please send a notecard or message to me (Paulyta Miles) in-world.

Please carry out all this rules or i will be forced to apply a DMCA.

You need basic knowledge of Photoshop, Gimp or any psd compatible software to use this item, im sorry but i cannot teach you how to use them.

Thanks, Paulyta Miles.

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Great !!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 21, 2016 by Elise Onmura

easy to work with and all is perfect !

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Love It!!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 03, 2014 by Kallee Vyper

I love this template set and the fact that it included the textures for tango appliers. This is the very first item I used to make tangos with and discovered it was easier than I thought it was gonna be. Thank you for making such wonderful templates with gorgeous textures!! I purchase a lot of templates from RipRock and am looking forward to moving into the MESH templates as well. Keep up the awesome work and thank you for allowing me to use your templates for my own designs XD

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very good
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 31, 2013 by Phebe Molko

very good

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 08, 2013 by Princezz Mode

riprock always did have nice templates

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