G General

River's Basic Vanity (Box)

River's Basic Vanity (Box)

Basic Set Vanity Instructions:

The vanity set consists of 2 pieces. The vanity itself, and the bench-style seat.

Vanity (3 prim): contains a texture-change menu. Simply click, and pick. You can also control who has that privelege, buy selecting ACCESS > (Level 0 - all, Level 1 - list, or Level 2 - owner only). For list control, edit the object, and modify the :mptUsers notecard. One name per line.

Vanity Seat (2 prims): contains a texture change option, and a move option: Once rezzed, place the seat under the vanity table. Click the SEATPAD for it to slide out, again to slide in. To sit, R-click > sit. Click the LEGS for the texture change menu.

Both the vanity and seat default texture repeat rates are 4/64, Offset: .5/.5


The texture change feature relies on the prim names to operate. Changing those would disable this feature.


See item in Second Life
  • Texture change - access control
  • Click stool to slide under/out from under vanity
  • See demo at our main shoppe