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Rmeng Sue Skin Genus -Fair Tone updated Version 1.1

Rmeng Sue Skin Genus -Fair Tone updated
Rmeng Sue Skin Genus -Fair Tone updated

BOM skin for Genus

Body skin: Maitreya , Belleza , Legacy

brows / no brows

The shown picture I use is " Genus Strong Face GIFT001" it may look different in other Genus head.

*Since it only comes with BOM, if you really need the applier hud you could contact me to make one for you.

It is recommended to try the Demo skin before buy it. Hope you enjoy !

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Very good product especially for the price
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 21, 2022 by SabrinnaFox

Ok, I put a bad review for Rmeng Sue Skin Genus-Light Tone because it was BOM only, but i then was easily able to enable Bom on the genus baby face and it turned out perfect. I tried deleting my bad rating for the Light Tone but it wouldnt let me. So I bought the fair tone too so that i could give it a fair rating. It is beautiful skin better than more expensive ones. Just remember that it is Bom but easy to enable on genus head. But really nice skin for baby face genus. If the owner would like to delete the bad review that I put on Rmeng Sue Skin Genus Light Tone, please do it.

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L$ 150

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Sold by: Menglucy

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