IF you find it doesn't match the Kupra body (updated on neck),
please try the other type like A B C.
otherwise i'm trying to update this recently , so it will be changed when the new version's coming.
Thanks for all your sopports and understanding!
on 12-17
<the BOM neck V2>
Different from the previous neck fix,
as it's not the blank , it maybe suitable for the female neck.
The tones are based on the Rmeng bodyskin set
this version now fits for Genus and lelutka head,
it's compatible with Maitreya lara, Belleza Freya, Legacy, Kupra body
you could try it with others , as some of them are closed to the SL default map.
**Kindly note the bom fix only effects on the texture baked, it could not fix the difference of normals or the materials. So always recommended to change the Environment Lighting to look better.
I hope it works for many of you,
I would update this neck bom in the future if needed.
not disappointed
It didn't work for me since my color isn't available but it was very user-friendly. If there's an update where we can increase or decrease the tint of a color that would be perfect!
Truly a gift!
This definitely works. The HUD is very user-friendly, it's a no-brainer, and even works for all bodies.
I have an expensive type of neck fix, and guess what? It has the same effect as this item!
And for some crazy reason, this is the one that I use even as of this typing. Pardon the late review.
Thank you, Rmeng, please keep up the excellent work and for making your products affordable.
you saved me from my ocd today thank you
I can't believe IT WORKED and costed just 1L
I have Lelutka evo x and reborn
dont hide nothing
I can still see the line whats the point done work for me (