Road Sign Pack 1

Realistic road signs for your town, driveway, backyard, or location of choice.
This pack includes the following signs:
Dead End
Light Ahead
Lane Ends (right and left)
Lane merges (right and left)
Lane joins (right and left)
Divided highway ends/begins
Each sign is a low land impact of just 2 prims when rezzed at default realistic size. With a small amount of size shrinking, the land impact can be reduced to just 1 prim!
Signs are copy Mod for your convenience and the sign's main face is one "material" or "face" This means that with a little texture knowledge, it is easy to make your own signs! Included in the box is a full perms template that you can use as a guide to make your own signs using a program like GIMP or PS.
L$ 25
Land Required
This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed