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Rogue Cloak Deluxe Set

Rogue Cloak Deluxe Set

NEW FLEX PRIM CLOAK DESIGN with special features

This selection includes 9 pieces; a 3 Cloaks, 3 original style Turbans, and the 3 Special Black Caste Turbans, in Silk Texture, colors Black, Blood and White Sand.

These items can be purchased separate here on SLX or at the stores listed below. By purchasing as a set you save 500L

Both Cloaks and Turbans contain simple commands to change the look:

The mask on both turban styles can be hide/show with a simple command.

The Black Caste Turban has an additiontional hide/show forehead (those times when you need to show your mark). and a hide/show of the tie back.

The Cloaks front left and right arm drapes can be be hide/show, either together or separate with a simple command.

ALL CLOAKS/TURBANS ARE COPY, NO MODIFY, NO TRANSFER... BUT there is a script that will allow you to scale the cloak/turban to your size. If you want to purchase as a gift we will deliver

Original and v2 Flex cloaks are at the following stores/markets:

WE DO CUSTOM CLOAKS AND TUNICS Pickup a notecard at any of the Avilion Mist Locations for details

quick instuction on cloak:
/3 mask hide or /3 mask show for mask
/3 forehead hide or /3 forehead show for forehead piece
/3 tie hide or /3 tie show for tie back
/3 right hide or /3 right show for right front drapes
/3 left hide or /3 left show for left front drapes
/3 shoulder hide or /3 shoulder hide for both front drapes at the same time.

SIZING (Both Cloak and Turban are Scaleable): BEFORE YOU START COPY YOUR CLOAK AND TURBAN!!! PUT THE COPIES IN A SAFE PLACE, We are not responsible if you ruin the cloak and didn't make a copy.
click the cloak, a menu will come up, just read and follow the instructions given.

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