RolePay Money System v2 Complete Pack Version 2.0.0

What is the RolePay Money System?
The RolePay Money System is a gridwide currency system used by many large Roleplaying communities to greater their experience through money / currency.
Why use it?
Want to be able to have stores in your regions that don't require the use of L$ for goods like Food? They work great to use with banks, restaurants, and grocery stores.
Right now we are the only company that has provided such a great feature, but with the help of the community we are able to make it the best for you.
Developer API : The Developer API allows for scripters to create objects that will interface with the money system. The API works so well, we decided to make all of our expansion packs use it.
Web Interface : To make managing your network easier, we have added a brilliant web interface. This interface can be used to manage 70% of your network.
Notifications : A lot of people wanted to know when a transaction is made within their region. That feature is now possible through the web interface. Simply log into the web interface, and enable notifications. Now when ever someone makes a purchase or money is sent to another person, a notification will pop-up when you're logged into the web interface.
Transaction Logging : A lot of people like to know what happens to their money. We went ahead and added a way to see transaction logs from when users make a purchase within your RolePay network. All Transaction information is displayed simply from the Web Interface.
Customizable Card : Every person who is registered into your network gets a "Credit Card" registered in their name. They are able to customize it how ever they want. Including Sounds and looks.
What comes in this package?
With this package you get all the features above and much more!
We also throw in the Store Expansion Pack Free! (even though it's already free... ).
Product Box Contents
- Making Expansion Packs (Notecard)
- RolePlay Money System Help
- Nexus Mainstore Cyamenti
- RolePay API Starter Template (Script)
- Nexus Server Rack
- RolePay Credit Card
- RolePay Money System Store Expansion Pack
- RolePay Network Server
- RolePay Registration Terminal
Looking for extra information?
Have a look at our wiki here :
!NOTICE! This system is NOT to be used as a substitute for Linden Currency. It is NOT a gift card system. It is NOT for use with stores that sell products for real currency. This system is mainly for use with roleplay sims.
See item in Second Life2025 TRUE Update!
The system STILL works! In my opinion, it's very easy to use, AND they still provide active user support!
Works Perfectly
A very well made RP currency system, pretty easy to set up and the servers are still running just fine.