Beautiful Villa with all the trappings of the previous version but this one allows more free movement through the gardens and the large open windows. As a result, the land impact was also slightly reduced.
Comes in a handy rezbox with instructions.
This large villa is approximately 30x30m, with the grass base just a little wider. 4 Pillars, an open sky dome, and two long wings. Fully furnished it is LIGHT on the land. Only 69 Land impact all told.
It has in it:
Roman style bath with three relaxing places to float and a lily pad that will toggle steam on and off,
A large bed with a sleep pose,
Large sofa with a lounging pose in the pillow,
Two large 'puff' cushions with relaxed sitting pose in them,
Several dark curling candelabras that toggle flame and light on and off at the touch,
A privacy curtain for the bedroom opens and closes at a touch,
Garden Fountain with beautiful statue makes a pleasant sound,
Fruit trees with the sounds of birds and crickets provide night and day specific sounds.
Two beautiful ferns in pots,
Beautiful draperies and two Persian rugs,
Mural walls, the outside carved white marble stone.
Designed with classic shape and traditional forms, this mimics the ancient architecture. It faces South for optimal sunlight, but you may change this if you wish. (instructions included)