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Hiro - Kane Shape - Lelutka Kane head evox - Rots Shape -

Hiro - Kane Shape - Lelutka Kane head evox - Rots Shape -
Hiro - Kane Shape - Lelutka Kane head evox - Rots Shape -
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- Rots - Hiro

- Kane Shape - Mode Legacy - Legacy Athletic - Signature gianni - Belleza Jake

- Lelutka Kane head evox

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- This shape is designed for Lelutka Kane Head, this shape is only compatible with Legacy - Legacy Athletic - Signature gianni - Belleza Jake.

- This form is fully modifiable, so you can adjust and edit according to your preferences.

Note: As a suggestion I recommend making a copy of the shape and work on the copy in case it does not turn out as expected, keep the original edition.

- The images that are shown in each product are exactly the same, we even added a style card with all the details, so that if you follow them and buy each of the items, you will get an avatar exactly the same as the one in the publication.

- if you have any questions, contact me - teorotsmerkrum


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L$ 345

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- Rots - Shape'S
- Rots - Shape'S
Sold by: TeoRotsMerKrum

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