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Rublev Holy Trinity Version 1

Rublev Holy Trinity
Rublev Holy Trinity
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This is a 1 prim (LI = 1) icon based upon a famous icon of the Holy Trinity by the great 15th century Russian iconographer Andrei Rublev. It is suitable for use in SL churches, homes, or spiritual sites. The size can be modified by the user to suit the space in which it is to be displayed.

This is one of our “simple” or “mute” icons. We also offer “talking” icons which display quotes from the Bible or Christian writers in local chat when touched. (There is no “talking” version of THIS icon available.)


Icons are stylized representations of Christ, the Saints, episodes in Holy History, and other Biblical themes. They are used in devotion by Eastern Orthodox Christians, Oriental Orthodox Christans, and Christians in the Churches of the East. Unlike much Western religious art, they do not aim at realistic depictions, but images that attempt to bring us in touch with spiritual realities. They are sometimes described as “windows into heaven” (hence the name of our brand). They are neither simply works of art nor things to be worshipped as idols, but vehicles through which God can communicate something of the Divine Mysteries to the human soul. As such, the Orthodox view them as sacred objects to be venerated (but, again, not worshipped).

There are icons that depict Christ, the Saints, episodes in the Bible and in Christian history, and other basic Christian themes. These various themes, or MOTIFS, have been painted (or “written”) by many iconographers. The style of many of the motifs is highly stylized, so that there is a great deal of resemblance between, say, different icons of the Crucifixion or Resurrection.


The MOTIF of this icon is one of the central doctrines of the Orthodox faith: the Holy Trinity — that there is One God, in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). This is perhaps the most famous icon of the Trinity, painted by Andrei Rublev, regarded by many as one of the greatest of the Russian iconographers. Of course, Christians believe that God is not a material being, and hence has not shape or likeness. Jesus was God-made-flesh, and as such had a human form. But He also existed before the creation of the universe (and as such could not have had a shape or likeness), and the Father and Spirit have no physical form (though the Spirit is represented figuratively as a dove or as a tongue of fire). This presents the iconographer with a challenge. Rublev’s icon is sometimes understood as making reference to God’s manifestation to Abraham in Genesis in the form of three men, and is depicted in the icon as three men seated and interacting with one another around a table. This conveys the deep sense that the Trinity is a loving inter-relationship between its three Persons.

The interpretation of icons is referred to as the “reading” of the icon. Rather than supply our own reading of this icon, we shall include links to several of these for the user who wishes to explore further.



Windows Into Heaven produces icons for use in Second Life: both “talking” icons and basic or “mute” icons which are simple prim images. We use only images that are in public domain. Our icons are sold at nominal cost, so that they may be widely used. All icons can be edited by the buyer with respect to size and orientation, but the image (and in the case of “talking” icons, the text and script) cannot be edited. Please note the copy/transfer permissions for the particular icon.

Our icons should not be resold in either their original or modified form, though Transfer-enabled icons may be passed along to another user.

If you have questions about our icons or problems with your purchase, please contact RublevTheIconographer by IM.

  • Reproduction of classic Christian icon artwork
  • Resizeable

L$ 10

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Windows Into Heaven
Windows Into Heaven
Sold by: RublevTheIconographer

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