Runabout Hawk One
Stylish modern with classic features powercraft. Let friends drive!
An exciting new modern boat design for driver and one passenger plus a sexy sunbathe pose!
The Runabout Hawk. Featuring rich wood & black leather seats.
Designed by the acclaimed yacht and boat builder, Blaze Nielsen.
Features include:
- Let your friends drive. Set it for group access only or to let anyone drive
- Seats driver, one passenger plus sunbathe pose on bow
- Modern exotic wood design
- Rich custom leather seats
- Sexy sunbathe pose on bow
- Fully detailed instrument panel
- Quick turning, fast, adjustable speed using arrows
- Unique physics script for improved sim crossings
- Jetspray leaves a trail behind, depending on speed
- Speedometer gives you instant readout of speed
- Throaty engine sound roars with water lapping
See all the Blaze Nielsen yachts and boats at VIRGIN ISLE MARINA
Visit BARTLETT & NIELSEN and VIRGIN ISLE MARINA Quality by Belle Bartlett and Blaze Nielsen