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SA - Airbus H160 UTL Version 1.0

SA - Airbus H160 UTL

Shergood Aviation and Virtual SYL Design are proud to bring you the virtual H160, a medium utility helicopter. The H160 is based on the Airbus H160 expected to ship in 2019. The SA-FE (Shergood Aviation Flight Engine) engine driving this virtual reproduction was created by an RL helicopter pilot and designed to fly like an RL helicopter. The engine is purely physics based and features independent control of cyclic, collective, throttle and anti-torque pedals enabling true power-off autorotations.

*Working glass cockpit
*Working flight computer integrated with autopilot
*HSI with glideslope
*ACAS (Aircraft Collision Avoidance System)
*TAWS (Terrain Awarness and Warning System)
*Aircraft event log system
*Retractable gear
*SA-FE (Shergood Aviation Flight Engine) scripting with independent cyclic, collective, throttle and anti-torque controls
*Realism features can be enabled or disabled to adjust level of difficulty.
*Weight dependent performance (fuel and passengers)
*Main rotor torque (pedals must be used to compensate)
*Independent engine and rotor RPM
*Selectable "training mode" for simulated single-engine operation
*True power-off autorotations
*Ground effect increases lift near surfaces (land, water, or prim)
*Translational lift increases lift with forward airspeed
*Translating tendency results in a "left skid low" look during hover.
*Vortex ring state danger exists when helicopter is mishandled
*Working electrical system with rechargeable battery.
*Exterior and interior lighting (instrumentation, navigation, landing, and taxi lights).
*Refuelling system with fuel quantity control
*Realistic sounds from an actual H-160
*Fully functioning dual controls.
*Paint kit system for user customizable painting.
*Unique N-number and serial number assigned to each aircraft.
*HOBBS meter tracks total time on aircraft.
*Access control system: owner only, guest or registered pilots.
*Passenger control - enable/disable access to passenger seats
*Dust/water particle effects when hovering near a surface.
*Simulated damage and failures.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you already own another of my H-160 helicopters, please do not buy from here. Instead, please use one of my in-world "ADD ON" vendors for a special discount.

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X10 for the best heli
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 24/2/2019 de Johnny2TheO

I just want to say thank u Kelly Shergood for all your stuff. this heli is Amazing..

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x10 multiplier star rating!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 14/2/2019 de DevinKnights84

Amazing! Closer to the real thing than any flight simulators I've tried. It's so packed full of features and fully functional equipment it's insane. I do not and will not ever regret buying this aircraft. I noticed zero lag from it out of the normal stuff SL throws at us and even then there wasn't anything to complain about. Also bought a GTFO! cargo add-on for it, making it possible to actually see cargo loading and unloading when using this beautiful machine for GTFO! hauling. Buy this heli, learn it, love it and it will love you back! Extremely happy and in love, thank you S.A.

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