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SBJ Mesh Tiara Freebie

SBJ Mesh Tiara Freebie

Thank you for viewing this free Opal/Mahogany Wood tiara from Sian Birke Jewelry. I am forced to sell it for $1L on the SL marketplace in order for it to be giftable but you can get it for $0L at my inworld shop. Note the tiara is not transferable.

Sian Birke is committed to producing high quality items made using the latest building techniques available. My research into wearable mesh object creation resulted in this, my 1st ever mesh jewelry item. Look for more exciting new releases in the future.

To use and view this mesh item you must use a mesh-compatible viewer such as Linden Lab's mesh viewer (V2 or V3). Otherwise it will appear as a blob! It is worn like any other non-mesh item. It must be worn on mesh enabled sims; I suggest making a copy to wear because it may break if you encounter a non-mesh enabled sim. Most sims in SL are now mesh enabled.

The tiara is modifiable/resizable and can be moved and rotated on the avatar when worn for the best fit. You can reposition and resize it for wear as a tiara, armband, bracelet, or cuff.

Please enjoy this peek into the future of SL content creation, and feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.


Sian Birke

See item in Second Life
  • 100% Mesh Jewelry - Requires Mesh Compatible Viewer
  • Fully Modifiable/Positionable on Avatar
  • Only one Prim
  • FREE In store
  • mod/copy/no transfer
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Great tiara
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 03, 2019 by Charida

Very well done. Just what I needed for my current outfit. Thanks!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 15, 2013 by Isolde Spitteler

I retextured it and managed to make a great armband with it, tyvm for the gift!

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Clean, stunning.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 03, 2013 by SublimeAmbrosia

This is one of the nicest freebies you can find. I've been wearing it daily since I got it.

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