SD ~Lovers' Knot Tiara (R) (C) boxed
- I have included 4 different versions of the tiara, namely
- Gems Fullbright, Glow (Main Tiara)
- All Fullbright apart from pearls, Glow (shiny! :))
- Gems Fullbright, No Glow (This has different diamond textures)
- Totally Unfullbright, Totally No Glow (Looks very ancient) (This has different diamond textures)
I could have included a menu driven script but with an item that has 240 prims I did not want to throw a script overload on you.
It is possible to make it smaller but the smaller it gets, the more inaccurate the parts will sit together. Please take your time when resizing, after each step wait for the menu to pop back up, and choose EXIT when you are happy with the size.
Reset to default if things have gone wrong :)
is what my friends nicknamed me. Because I was primmy, and I built primmy. I slayed and tortured prims by the thousands and I have no regrets.
Then mesh became a thing, and some people went ahead and learned it, and others who weren't SLers but Blender specialists (or similar) swamped the world with amazing, if a little samey mesh things.
I tried. Really, I tried. It's boring and tedious work, and the fun of being inworld while creating was killed off completely. So I stopped. I now only build on my private grid where I can mesh or not mesh, prim or not prim, as I see fit.
Everything in my store on the marketplace has been built in the good old times when prims were still a thing. So please be advised that this is what you get. Prims. And a little awkward mesh.
It's been a good time, and I miss it.
- 4 versions
- resize script