Want to become a level 99 Space Wizard?
6 -20 use joints packed into a baggie.
*Please note that all Life2 Products are now for RP purposes only. The Life2 Company went out of business in 2019 and has yet to reopen*
- Click2Use
- 20 uses
- life2 compatible
- wearable
Does not work as advertised
It would be have been, it's a great idea, but it doesn't work as advertise. The BoW lacks the consumable script or the script that allows it to interact with the Life2 Hud. It's a Bummer, it would have been totally worth the money. 20 uses x 6 joints would have been great, and have affect hungry, thirst, energy and entertainment like the bongs does. Please please update this. it is very useful for RP. The bongs are brilliant. This is a good idea but fails in practice.
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