This full permission Mesh structure comes with a full perm multi-prim texture animation script too.
Do you dare to dive into the Matricial cube?
The effect is striking and unusual.
This mesh structure allows resizing from 0.01m to 64m for multiple uses.
Apply any texture and/or colour.
Create a total black box or anything you can think of.
The field impact ranges from 1 to 12 depending on the volume of the structure.
10*10 1 SLI, 64*64 12 SLI.
Full perm restrictions
@AC Harlequin Carter Production
Buying a product with full permissions does not give you permission to distribute it for free.
Be aware that this represents work for the creator who is doing you a favour by allowing you to use it for your own creations.
You may use this product for your own creations. Resale is allowed with modification of the rights:
- Copy, Modifiable and Non-transferable,
- Non-Copyable, Modifiable, Transferable.
Thank you for respecting these rules
Arlequin Carter
View Video »- Matricial cube
- Mesh scructure
- Fullperm script