Girl-friends Mini Collection - Do perfect photos, advertisng & vendors with your girl friends.
It is cute, nice, awesome and good memoirs how to spent the time together.
SEmotion Blog
All poseballs are modify, you can customize it for you and your partner.
Included 10 poseballs with 20 girls static poses
For the vendors, advertising, magazines and modelling agencies are always necessary qualitative poses.
Seperate poseballs in mainstore!
See item in Second LifeThis girl is awesome
The poses are great... no doubt about that, some of the cutest and sweetest I've seen, but the real difference here is Miss Marie. I had an issue with the vendor not delivering properly, and she had the situation rectified in MINUTES... you don't often get that kind of attention. Not only that, but she was unfailingly pleasant as well. Buy the poses, you'll love them and be supporting one of the better business owners I've run across.