SEmotion Newbie Boy AO HUD v.3.8 - Your first fully BENTO hands AO

Are you a newbie in SL? Or you just started to use the new bento hands?
Well, SEmotion is offering you absolutely new AO for newbie.
Perfectly for beginners.
It is easy to use, friendly interface and simple menus. Smooth motion, no static hands poses, totally animated hands.
Get started with SEmotion first fully BENTO AO
- 4 fully standing animations
- 1 sitting animation
- 1 sitting on ground animation
- 1 walking and running animation
- 1 hovering and flying animation
- 1 jump animation
HUD is modify, you can add your favorite animations as well.
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---- PLEASE NOTE -----
If you are 90 days old, or less you can get this AO for free in SEmotion mainstore.
See item in Second LifeBAD AO
L$ 1
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
More info
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed