Thank you for your interest in +Sugarcult+ products!!
Please read the following for important info regarding this product.
Included in this box:
-bento head & hud
-eyes & hud
-bento ears
-applier system
-full perm neck extenders
(you can include them with mods, they use the upper body tex)
-masc/fem shapes
-uv's for odds and ends
NOTE: the main head and mouth texture use the same uv's as the kibby, for your convenience, the lashes, eyeshadow, etc DO NOT. If you don't like the fluff, slap it on the ground and de-link it.
The head and it's HUD are pretty easy to use but before you contact me regarding any issues, please check the following!
- Are you wearing one of the included shapes? These shapes are essential to the shape of the bento head since it's a worn, rigged item.
- Are you in a high traffic/high script area? This can cause script and texture lag and it may be difficult for your HUD or the head to respond quickly.
- Did you change the sliders in the included shapes past the reasonable rigging limits of the head? Because this is essentially an animal head modeled on top of a heavily edited HUMAN head skeleton, the sliders WILL NOT work the same way, and changing them may lead to deformation! Please unpack a new copy of the head if you need to start over!
- Last of all, please always try unpacking a new head, relogging or moving to a different sim to see if the issue persists! Sometimes SL is a bit chuggy and prone to hiccups.
Compatible bodies that I have tested:
legacy - male and female
belleza freya and jake
slink HG
Mesh, rigging, animations - Alias Aura/Isfrael Blackheart
Scripting - Moy Loon
Great Head
.. but please bom update? qwq
This would be perfection~
Possible Fix for the voice animation issue
Despite the warning about the script not working for the mouth when voicing, I decided to get the head anyway. It was one of three heads that the maker of my Cheetah mod stated I could use and the only one, in my opinion, that had a male or gender-neutral appearance.
The head did work out great for me and I had only to do a little modding on it, other than applying the cheetah mod I mentioned prior.
The inability to move my lips when voicing bothered me a bit, though, so I thought I would find a temp fix until the issue got resolved. I bought a bento/mesh lip sync gesture and it kind of worked. My mouth did move, but only slightly. I looked more like I was mumbling than actually talking, but I decided it was better than nothing.
My wife, however, thought differently and wanted an actual fix. She had bought and is using the Kibby head and gave me a copy of the voice gesture set that came with it to try. When I activated them, the voice feature of the Leo head worked perfectly. My mouth wasn't just moving like it did with the bento lip sync gesture I got, but the upper part of my muzzle was moving as well. Not only that, the lips had their full range of motions like they would if I was talking.
Over all, I do recommend getting it despite the issues. As long as you have or can get a copy of the kibby voice gesture.
Good, but the ears...
It's a good head, looks great. Has dynamic emotes and everything. Only issue is the ears. Most of the anims are good, but when they completely turn and move the entire base of the ear, it's kind of... annoying. Also doesn't come with its own head alpha. Used one from another head. Overall, it's decent and worth 300.
My favotire feline head
This is my favorite SG head, it looks very feline and has good strong features with a bold chin and a wide, big nose. Perfect for a big cat.
Just as good as everyone says, and the mod options for this head really sold it for me. Thank you sugarcult!
Good kitty ^^
a good kitty head easy to make textures for it with the PSD file.