Fully animated!!
Includes : Walk, Run, Jump, Crawl, Crouchwalk, and etc.
AO CAN BE TURNED OFF so no problems in those AO restricted combat areas/regions.
Gun works in :
Chat command/HUD operational
Multiple channels (-1,0,1,2,3)
Features :
AO Implemented (Bento Animations)
Shoots from 3 positions : Stand/Crouch/Prone
Shoots bullets in 2 modes : Auto/Semi
Enables to change bullets' velocity
Enables to turn on/off effects
Raycast bullets option
Special Features :
AAM (Alternate Animation Module)
-Allows you to switch animations
ABM (Armored Barricade Modul)
-Allows you to deploy Armored Barricade to protect yourself from getting shot!
-Barricades have HP which can be increased by Add-on HUD
Texture Appliers are available at main store