The Shaka hand sign is famous with millions of people all over the world, especially among surfers and Hawaiians.
Included with your purchase are 2 sizes of the Shaka Statue, large and small. They are copy and modify, so if you want to resize them, you can go into EDIT and stretch them to be larger. Please be aware that the LI count may go up. Both the large and small statues that you receive are only 3LI.
Enjoy the Shaka!
Land LI depends on stretching.
Hamana Kalili and the Shaka
Hamana Kalili of Laie (1882-1958) -- A large, powerfully built Hawaiian -- originated the unique hand-sign now call the SHAKA, with the thumb and little finger extended, and the other three fingers curled into the palm.
Installed at the Polynesian Cultural Center, Laie, Hawaii
Bronze on cement pedestal
See item in Second Life- Hawaiian statue featuring the SHAKA
- Polynesian Cultural Center
- Shaka hand sign