SHX-BLAH-210 - Visitor Random Message Board Version 2.6

Interactive messageboard that shows name, image and a message that your visitors can leave behind. Mostly for fun, but you could also use it to inspire people to leave a suggestion, or just leave an important message for others to see.
* SHX - Features
- Shows 5 messages, including name and profile image
- Anti-spam, one message per avatar
- 14 selectable font types
- Color themes
- Custom color theme editable with notecard
- Fully menu operated
- Stylized as all other products from SHX, comes in 200 and 210 models
- SHX colortheme HUD compatible
* Statistics
- Size (l/w/h):
- Prim count:
type 200: 54
type 210: 53
- Links: 1
- Timings: Minimum: 0.009 ms
Maximum: 0.012 ms
- Memory: 240 Kb
- Permissions: MODIFY / NO-COPY / TRANSFER
Zero customer support
Lost this board in a sim crash, have sent multiple support requests, no answer.
This board is good for days and days of fun. It's easy to post comments and important news or just to be crazy. I love it and you won't see my club without it ever again.