SKIN, Nadia, TSk FATPACK (LeLutka, EvoX)

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Skin: Nadia
Pack/Tones: FATPACK - Milk, Champagne, Peach, Honey, Sorbet, Toffee.
Head compatibility: LeL EvoX
Body skin compatibility: The Skinnery (body skin)
★ Face skin without eyebrows (BoM Layer)
★ HD Layers "Mini collection" HUD, which contains:
*HD Brows, 04-tones
*Eyes appliers, 04-tones
*HD Eyeshadow, 04-tones
*HD-Lips, 04-tones
★ Bodyshape & brows shape
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*Shown on LeL. AVALON
See item in Second LifeL$ 2,500
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