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SKS Snow Deer Coal Voucher

SKS Snow Deer Coal Voucher

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This is a No-Copy Gacha item.
I am reselling it. I am not the creator of the item!
This is the policy of all Gacha resellers on the Marketplace.
Please direct any complaints about the item itself to its creator.

DO NOT REZ! Add the voucher and click on the hud to unpack your item. It will not take any additional L$. Once you've gotten the box from the voucher, rez it to unpack your item!

Snow Deer:
Anthro mods. Includes BoM Skins for LLUV bodies. Was made on Maitreya, but should also work well on SLink, Belleza, Legacy, V-Tech, and any other bodies that use the LLUV skins.
Also includes appliers/texture for: HP Deer Head/Ears/Horns (will work on both the Deer and Goat Heads, & all Horn options), HP Deer Tail
Also includes an unrigged mesh tail, and unrigged mesh doe antlers, as well as color matching codes for the Catseye Ultra Hooves.

Bonus packs sold separately by SKS include matching textures/Appliers for:
Regalia bodies (BoMR skins), HP Short Tail, Catseye Ultra Hooves, {c} Thick Hooves v3, and MOR Rabbit Parts Tail.

Please make sure you are online and not in Busy, Away, or Unavailable mode when you purchase this item. That will cause the item delivery to fail. Try to be as lag-free as possible. I will not refund you for failed delivery, and I cannot produce a copy of the item.

Do not gift this item using the marketplace feature. Please purchase it for yourself; you can then give it directly to your gift recipient in-world!

Good luck on completing your set or getting that coveted item.
Thank you for shopping at Gertrude's Unmentionables!
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