The IJD FOREST GLADE SKYBOX is a large walled platfrorm made out of MEGA PRIMS & SCULPTIES, with INVISIBLE SOLID PRIMS to allow you to walk or climb on all surfaces realistically. An alpha textured forest wraps around a shallow basin ringed by small hills with a lake in the middle. Each skybox exactly fills a 4096 Sq. Meter area(64x64 meters). When fully rezzed The IJD FOREST GLADE SKYBOX boasts 34 prims of realistic detail, but if you delete the rock outcops and lake (you can always rez them again, or take into inventory), you can save up to 18 prims making this mountain only 16 prims total. Sacrifice more detail by removing the shallow hills and their invisible prims and it becomes a 6 prim skybox. The outside edges of the skybox are alpha textured on the top half, but standard textured on the lower half of the forest backdrop to minimize issues with SL’s alpha texture bug. The forest backdrop is visible both on the inside and outside of the skybox so don't worry about ruining your neighbor's view, it is very picturesque. Set up your home inside this intimate forest glade, or simply hide from chaotic neighbors your own serene refuge, the possibilities are many.
TO SET UP YOUR IJD FOREST GLADE SKYBOX , place out the IJD FOREST GLADE SKYBOX REZZER BASE and position it on your parcel. When you place out the Rezzer Base a blue Rez Faux HUD will appear giving you the option to REZ. Press REZ once your base ( a 10 meter in diameter half sphere) is where you want it. Wait for the parts to come flooding out and form, could take up to 2 minutes depending on lag. You may now use the circular Rezzer Base to move the entire skybox, lower it, rotate, whatever you need to do. After it rezzes the HUD will give you new options DEREZ, SAVE, STORE. Those options do the following
SAVE: Removes the positioning scripts so the base may no longer move the rest of the mountain or derez it. ONLY DO THIS IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO DEREZ YOUR SKYBOX AGAIN, OR MOVE IT ANYMORE.
STORE: Same as SAVE, but also puts location coordinates in the description field of each object so you can return them to the stored position if you make an error and move a piece by accident.
IGNORE: (RECOMMENDED) Closes the HUD . . . Touch the REZZER BASE to get the HUD back at any time.
MODIFYING: All parts are modifyable, but I recommend not trying to resize the Mega Prim portions of the skybox since they will revert to 10x10 size. You may retexture, move parts around, but that's about it.
Forest Glade Skybox is a simple, elegant solution to terraforming your parcel, or creating a skybox with terrain features, and I have worked using Mega Prims to keep the prim count low, while keeping the quality of your private forest experience . . high. Thank you for your interest in the IJD FOREST GLADE SKYBOX
Insky Jedburgh
Prims: 34 to 6
Area: 64 x 64 meters
Permissions: all parts are Copy/Mod/No Transfer once skybox is rezzed
- Rezzable Skybox with Forest Backdrop
- Splashable Lake & Climbable Sculpty Rock Outcrops
- Modify/Copy once rezzed
- Picturesque Inside and Outside
- Secluded Natural Environment
Don't bother
This skybox looks nothing like the picture at all. It's literally just a box with a low resolution texture and a rotating piece of water. There's better freebies out there.
Well made skybox.
This fit perfectly (after adjustments) in my small space that I had to work with, and I ended up falling in love with it so much that I placed another on my larger property. It's very comfortable and easy on the eyes inside, especially the water, and for only 34 prims it's a fantastic little platform that's well worth the price.
Great lil skybox!
Bought this on a whim, despite being unable to take a look at it in game (there was a mountain one, but no glade that I could find, at the IJD store in-game). Takes a bit of tweaking to get perfectly aligned with parcel borders (one of the parcels I have is a 64x64 exactly) but it will fit.
For the price, it's well designed, and provides for plenty of other types of opportunities: one could add a house, floating platforms in the water, or whatever one can imagine (heck, it can make a great area for building various things!).
Very pleased
For 34 prims and the price I could not ask for something better. I had trouble editing it at first as it would become no mod when I unlinked it, but this turned out to be a SL problem as the next day I could edit the pieces without problem. Excellent buy.
Nice skybox.
Nice size, with a bit of mods a nice sized house can easily fit inside.