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SLEX-WMD-The Jeans Maker RELEASE 3

SLEX-WMD-The Jeans Maker RELEASE 3

SLEX-WMD- The Jeans Maker "RELEASE 3"
This item includes no. 1 layerd psd file for a full texture customization. To receive the files just contact the designer in-world after your purchase and provide a valid email address. You will receive a RAR archive complete of the psd file's and the 14 png textures plus the original photo references in high definition of the jeans in this package.

From Weird Monkey Design: The Jeans Maker "RELEASE 3"
Fine detail with fabric folds, wrinkles, shadowing and muscle tone.
1024 x 1024 textures included (14 Textures in total). Save to your hard disk and make your own Jeans Line with the best quality textures of Second Life.

Using and modifying this PNG files with your graphic program and create thousand of jeans and shorts, changing colour and adding your own logo on it.
All file is full perm, this give to you the permission to save them
to your PC HD. The box you will get is setted mod/copy/no transfer.

How to use these templates:

Open the textures inworld and go to File--> "Save texture as..." to save them on your HD, then you can open them in Photoshop or other TGA supporting graphics software. Now you are ready to edit them as you like! Or just use them as they are to create your own outfits with your name as the creator.

Terms Of Use:

With your purchase you agree not to sell or give away these
templates in any ways. You only get the permission to use
these templates as bases for your own clothing creations
and to sell clothes you made out of this package.

Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 02, 2009 by Corvus Szpiegel

(bought 2009/10 for L$2500)
Recieved the download-link for the .psd-file within less than 24 hours. Nice customer service and awesome quality. I was very pleased to find almost every part of the jeans on a seperate layer in the .psd. 5 stars.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 17, 2009 by Jeanne Moulliez

These are very nice. Love the colors and love the look, especially the low rise. Well worth the cost.

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full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted July 29, 2009 by Artik Crimson

You got 3 stars from me now...taps foot...looks at watch...still waiting on the PSD files tho...I have no clue what it was you sent me the first time as I ONLY speak ENGLISH and have dropped notecards on you and RE'd the email back to you explaining this....

The jeans are fantastic but the files would be a tremendous help..

Can I get the files please... Thank You !!

if you need my email again IM me in-world :-)

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full star full star full star full star empty star Posted April 27, 2009 by Spudgy Dean

Took awhile to get my PSDs, however Maruko made everything alright. :)

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full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted April 26, 2009 by Chelle Petlyakov

The textures are great. Only thing keeping it from getting five stars is the fact that I have not received the photoshop files despite sending the seller two notecards in world.

Update: Never received photshop files or any message from the seller. Great textures. horrible customer service. Will never buy from this seller again.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 18, 2009 by watcher Castaignede

brilliant files - seller returned a psd link within two hours of purchase

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