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SLiCK! DataStore 1.0 BUSINESS (box) Version 1.0

SLiCK! DataStore 1.0 BUSINESS (box)
SLiCK! DataStore 1.0 BUSINESS (box)
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SLiCK! DataStore is an advanced alternative to commonly used storage methods. It takes away the need to handle all the fuss about tortured prims or off-site connections. When embedded into your product, the DataStore allows you to store your data by simply contacting the "magic cube" and sending your data.

Excerpt from SLiCK! DataStore Manual:

There are several methods of storing data that have been introduced sofar. The most reliable, regarding persistence of data, is off-site storage, i.e. external database which is independent of SecondLife's functionality. This is also the method SLiCK! DataStore uses.

There are several major differences between commonly used solutions and SLiCK! DataStore, however. While the commonly used solutions put all the work on your, content creator's shoulders, forcing you to make the connection to the database, check whether it's running or not, crafting properly formatted messages that the database can understand.. DataStore requires none of these.

All the DataStore requires is a simple call within the object. The DataStore retrieves your data back and returns them to the "requestor" (i.e. the prim which asked for the data). See the explanation in Section 6 regarding communication with the DataStore.

This not only takes care of great part of the tedious work, but also helps you to keep your own code clean and simple.

Each record can be (and should be) stored under a unique "key" (i.e. variable name). You can even protect the record by giving it a "password" that will be required in order to read/update/delete the record, so that nobody else can tamper with your data.

See item in Second Life
  • Comfortably store persistent data
  • Lag-free internal communication
  • Store up to 4096B in one record
  • Store up to 20 records per object
  • Free upgrades and patches in version 1.x

L$ 1,999

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Sold by: Mika Feiri

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