SMW SkateCam HUD
SMW SkateCam HUD
All scripts are NO MOD
SMW SkateCam HUD
SMW SkateCam HUD Info Notecard
SMW SkateCam Blade Spray L Attachment
SMW SkateCam Blade Spray R Attachment
The Severine Motor Works SkateCam HUD is a Refuge exclusive!
Customized from the wonderful FollowCam Script of Dan Linden
This SMW SkateCam HUD is designed to enhance your skating experience by offering three features:
9 Custom, selectable CAMERA Points-Of-View [POVs].
3 Custom SOUND SFX sound effects. [Skating, Racing, Brake-Scrape-Stop]
2 Custom Blade Spray ice & snow SPRAY SFX particle effects attachments. [One for each foot]
The HUD itself functions totally independent of any AOs you happen to be wearing, and does not, in any way, interfere with AO functions. All it does is give you the ADDED options of selecting Camera POVs, skate SFX sounds and ice-snow skate-blade spray.
Wear ANY skates. Wear ANY AOs. Works with ALL.
1 RIGHT-CLICK-ADD to WEAR the SMW SkateCam HUD. [Attaches TOP RIGHT by default. Move any place.]
2 RIGHT-CLICK-ADD to WEAR the SMW SkateCam Blade Spray L [Attaches to Left Foot]
3 RIGHT-CLICK-ADD to WEAR the SMW SkateCam Blade Spray R [Attaches to Right Foot]
4 CLICK the FACE of the SkateCam HUD for the BUTTONS Menu.
5 CLICK the INFO BUTTON on the Buttons Menu for this Info Notecard.
6 CLICK the SPEAKER ICON to turn skate Sound SFX on-off.
7 CLICK the SNOWFLAKE ICON to turn skate Blade Spray SFX on-off.
8 CLICK the SILVER BUTTON to show-hide HUD.
There are NINE wonderfully-customized SMW SkateCam camera setups or POVs.
Turns the SkateCam Cameras ON.
Camera control permissions are auto-set.
SkateCam's default NORMAL camera is turned on.
SkateCam's Blade Spray particle emitters are activated.
Turns the SkateCam Cameras OFF.
Camera control permissions are released.
Default SL viewer camera is restored.
SkateCam's Blade Spray particle emitters are deactivated.
Delivers this Info Notecard.
Snaps the camera to normal view, which is set wide and a bit high, so you can see the full figure of your av. Camera tracks tightly on every av movement, forward, back, left or right. Use your mouse ZOOM roller wheel to move the camera closer or farther out.
Snaps the camera 15 meters above your head, very wide, so you're looking down on yourself. Camera tracks loosely so you can see yourself roaming around a bit before a camera shift is triggered. The camera leisurely shifts position only when your av rotates more than 45 degrees or so.
Does just what it says. It follows your rear end.
Snaps the camera directly behind you, closeup, and a bit low.
Camera tracks pretty tightly on your av, but you can watch your av turn a bit before the camera changes focus.
A beautful setting that gives you a wonderful sense of ease and peace.
Snaps the camera back a little wide and low.
Camera holds the scene loosely frozen so you can watch yourself glide back and forth,
and even skate off camera, before it changes focus.
Another one that does just what it says.
Camera skims the across the surface at ice level, following your skates.
Camera tracks pretty tightly, similar to the REAR camera setup.
This one puts the camera slightly in front of you and to your immediate left at ice level.
It mimics the intense focus of racing speed-skaters, hunkered down low to the ice, glancing left and right, moving fast, leaning heavily into turns. The scene flashes speedily by, with occasional glimpses of your av just right and rear of frame. You don't see your av if you're skating straight ahead, but catch glimpses of it if you turn slightly to the right.
This is a great setting that snaps the camera way way overhead, and freezes the scene.
You can look down at your little av, skating back and forth on the ice while the scene stays static. Camera changes focus every five seconds. So you can watch yourself skating along until you reach the edge of frame, when it snaps to track your movements again, in a new frozen scene.
This is just a little fun move that temporarily spins the camera around your av and then snaps back to whatever SkateCam POV option you had running at the time.
This one is dedicated to our dear friend, SnowiDragon Snowdrop! For those who know her, no explanation is required. It goes through a whole temporary nonsense flashing of camera focus to random positions around your scene.
Check out the product pics for details.
- 9 camera angles
- 2 skate blade particle effects - snow and ice spray
- 3 skating sound effects - skate, race, and stop