SNODE - NEIGH Pony Diru Stands
Hi everypony! Happy ponycon!
This is a stand replacement set for the N.E.I.G.H. brand pony avatar available only inworld at ponytown!
It's my favorite pony av :D
This set includes 6 stands (numbed 0-5 because i'm weird) and a base stand replacer.
For some reason the program I use to capture videos of my animations isn't working so. You'll just have to trust me these are nice. :") I'm quite proud of them!
They're slow, very elegant, airey, and would be really good for an alicorn or a very refined, magical character!
They're essentially the polar opposite of the default hyper twitchy AO.
EDIT: Please make sure to change your stand time to 20 seconds in the AO hud settings! I say so in notecard included, but more than one person so far seem to have missed that part xD;
L$ 175
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
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