[SO&E] - Magical Lute (Instructions)
First let me thank you for purchasing this product! I hope you will have as much fun as I had creating and playing it myself!
Please PREVIEW any of the songs here: https://soundcloud.com/salbar-skytower/tracks
The Lute comes with one song so you can test it out before you perhaps decide individual songs I also sell. The song that comes with the lute is "Terranigma - Europe"
1. How to play
The lute will work right out of the box. If you attach "[SO&E] - Magical Lute 1.1 (Play)" you will be able to click the immediate area around the torso. A menu will pop up, asking you which song you wish to play. After 5 seconds, the song will play together with the animation. Simply click again to choose stop. Any sound will stop immediately as well as the particles and the animation.
Should you have problems with locating the lute as it is invisible at first, please press "Ctrl+Alt+T", to see invisible objects outlined as a red, transparent object.
2. Particles
By default, particles are turned off. Please make sure that you are not playing any song when you turn them on as it will not take effect in the middle of the song. I provided two gestures in the folder to allow you to easily turn them on and off. The gestures are modifiable so you can change the Trigger if you'd like.
If you are more comfortable with using chat commands instead of gestures, please use the following commands.
To turn particles on - /101 On
To turn particles off - /101 Off
3. Animations
With version 1.1, the animation changed so only the arms are animated. You can now keep your AO on and everything but the arms will move according to your AO.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE - The animation has changed in the Lute itself but each and every song script has the name of the animation in it. Please ask for an update of the SONG SCRIPTS if you did not get them delivered automatically.
If you'd like to change the animation however, please follow the instructions below.
I. Right click the lute
II. Choose Edit
III. Go into the content Tab
IV. Take out the animation, preferably through "drag&dropping" it into the folder of the lute. That way you will not lose it.
V. Rename your own gesture to "guitarplay-stand", just like the original animation and put it into the content folder of the lute.
VI. You are done.
4. Setting the Volume
With version 1.1 of the Magical Lute, I added the function to increase or decrease the volume of the sound files.
Example on how to change the Volume.
/101 1 - Sets the volume to 10% of it's original volume.
/101 5 - Sets the volume to 50% of it's original volume.
/101 10 - Sets the volume to 100% of it's original volume.
Any number from 1 to 10 works and sets the volume accordingly.
5. Requests
I allow people to make requests when it comes to songs they'd like to hear. I will reserve the right to decline any request I do not feel comfortable about however. The problem with requests is that I have to learn the song and properly record it. Please understand.
That said, if you have a request please use
Not nearly as good as the reviews would indicate.
Only the right arm slightly animates up and down, and there's only 1 tune.
If it were as good as it was supposed to be, it could be worth money.
I rate this 3 out of 5 stars due to the effort and because it's free, otherwise, it would have been 1 out of 5 stars.
If you want to spend some time demoing it for review purposes, then go for it, otherwise, I suggest spending your time elsewhere.
Such a beautifully made instrument.
Very simple set up for the addition of new songs.
Lovely variety of song types.
I've added to my favourite stores and look forward to any and all new tracks added to the mix.
Thank you for such a pretty lute. ^^
Love it, but wish there was a way to stop sound after a certain distance?
I love it but the sim complains that everyone can hear it, even when I have it at 10% volume D:
These are amazing. Like literally amazing. :) Get one if you're looking for a good Lute! Well detailed and the animation is nice.