(SP) Nadine ++ PROMO ++ Version ☆★☆★☆
Complete Avatar with Eyecatching Guarantee
The Content & Cloths are show at the first pic.
.: 12 Skins with 3 different lips, with and without Tattoo, Dark Eyes and sexy breast (Copy)
.: Shape (Modify, Copy)
.: Cassidy Hair (Modify, Copy)
.: Eye -Passion Velvet- (Copy)
.: Lashes (Modify, Copy)
.: Hairbase & Face Tatto (SL Viewer 2 Layer)
-- & Nadine -- AO --
++++ Bonus Outfit - see Pic +++++
.: Delight Panties
.: Shirt -open-
.: Shirt -close-
.: Bra -all layer-
.: Socks
.: Gloves
all copy & mody
+ Shoes
.: (SP) Sculpted Devine Boots -blood-
- resize
- copy
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Please note by the purchase of our Articles our guidelines that are to be seen on our Marketplace Shop Side.
In order to receive a gift from the Marketplace, New Residents must have been logged on Second Life.com Website ( http://secondlife.com/ ) at least one time.
Your Secret Passion Team
See item in Second Life- see complete detailed description
Honorable Correction
I am a HUGE fan of Secret Passion because they sell amazing products at a great price and today Samy gave yet another reason to love her stuff. SL messed up and sent me this item instead of giving it as a gift as I had selected but Samy Sent out the correct ones after I IM'ed her and told her what happened. Thank you Samy for your amazing talent and quick response to fix something that wasn't even your fault.