Spider Productions
Accessories, Armor, Avatars, Weapons
Check out MAIN STORE HERE much more to see!
(comes in 8 colors of your choice in Silver or Gold base) (or X series)
Created in a unique Hitman-like style, completely orriginal amazingly detailed with serial code engraved on it
This weapon has been painstakingly built for over a year now and im proud to anounce finnaly there release, yes Spider Reinforcements are here. Highly customizable extreme detailed original style (COMPLETELY SLEEK FITTING UNISEX) stylish pistols created after countless months of
* Meticulous building
* Scripting
* Research and Development including testing, lag, and quality control
* Custom animation creaton
* Custom sound creation
Giving u the verry best of Spider Reinforcements in the highest Ql possible with a detailed style SIMPLY UNPARRALLELLED by many other weapons in SL
Fully RP compatible with (DCS2, CCS,Warpz, COMPATIBLE WITH ALL SYSTEMS) perfect for a variety of combat situations
2 Weapons 2 Holsters 1 Discrete H.U.D.
Actions - Controlled through small descrete H.U.D. attachment, gun click drop menu, voice chat command
HUD/Menu/Chat controls
Custom Animations - Standing, holstering, unholstering, reloading, equipping/unequipping silencer, toggling crouch to standing
Custom Sounds - For all fuctions throughout the weapon
Slingability - The weapon can be slung or holstered for ease of use through HUD click/voice command
Silencer - This attachment audibly suppresses the weapon's firing sound and muzzleflash for stealth operations
Holster Adjustments - Small/Medium/Large able switch between sizes via HUD/voice for perfect fit for anyone
Shell Ejection - Shells can be ejected from the weapon for a more realistic effect (toggleable)
Clip Ejection - Clips can be ejected from the weapon for a more realistic effect (toggleable)
Muzzleflash - A flash emitted from the weapon for a realistic effect. (Able to be supressed with Silencer)
Clip Size Selection - The weapon can be configured and change any clip size u want from (10, 20, 30 , 40, 50)
DCS CCS WARPS & ALL other RP compatible
Ammo Types:
Training - (No dmg testing and practice purposes)
PushBullet - (Push a great distance) sometime size of a sim in push areas
RPBullet - (Perfect for ANY RP USE) DCS CCS WARPS and ALL OTHER RP systems Compatible
1HitBullet - (Sheildbreak 100 SL dmg) (1Hit KILL) max dmg/orbit
Speacial Features:
Fully Featured H.U.D. - (RECCOMENDED for most actions) (Fast Easy Efficient)
Quick (Reload Silencer Crouch) commands through fast chat command/H.U.D./drop down menu
Reload/Crouch/Silencer chat commands
Reload - r reloads with animation
Crouch - c toggles crouch animation
Silencer - t toggles silencer on off with animation
Holster/Unholster (H.U.D. reccomended)
/7 u (unholster)
/7 h (return to holster)
Hoster Adjustment System
/7 s (small) /7 (medium) /7 (large)
Clicking STRAPS opens menu for small medium and large size for holster straps (CLICK best that fits you)
(quick voice command to change as well)
/7 s (displays small thigh size holster straps)
/7 m (displays medium thigh size holster straps)
/7 l (displays large thigh size holster straps)
Spider Productions's Spider Reinforcements
(create many weapons from pistols, shotuguns, machineguns, rifles, mele combat weapons, blades, and MUCH more come have a look)
Oot Oot
yep mhm