GCD Floor Spot Lights -
LASTEST UPDATE : Now Includes Directional Light Source
The lights are designed for use in Live Stage events and also Clubs & Bars.
They also have some fantastic unique features.
1) You can set up multiple sets of lights all using different chat channels and each with its own remote control – You can also label each remote – Set 1, Set 2, Front, Back etc
2) You can set the lights to ANY color using the remote controlled ‘Color Picker’ & Light/Dark Adjust.
3) The Remote Controller has a unique Auto Color, Beam Pulse’ & ‘Movement’ functions.
4) You can set the beam, color, auto functions, glow, position, rotation and on/off all via the Remote Controls.
5) You can set access to the remote controller (Group, Public or Owner)
6) The lights are 100% Mesh, highly detailed and 5 prims.(at standard size)***
7) You also get a HUD version of the remote which can be attached to your screen. Just right click it in your inventory and select 'wear'.
This Light Pack Includes:
1) Copyable Light
2) Remote Controller & Optional Stand
3) Remote Controller HUD
4) Master Light Remote Controller and Sub Light Controls Rezzer
This is useful if you have several lights from my collection (8 available).
You can control all the different types of light at once as well as rez individual sub remotes.
In Edit mode, right click on the remote and in the contents inside the you will find a notecard called ‘Configuration”. Here you can set the chat channel that the remote uses as well as access settings (Group, Owner, Public), the Beam Pulse timer setting and use up to 5 letters to label your remote, so you know which remote is which. There is further instructions inside the Configuration notecard. Once your done just save the notecard and reset the scripts. Remember if you change to a new chat channel you will need to set up a light with the same chat channel – You will find a configuration notecard inside each light where you can set this. (again just save the notecard and reset the lights scripts)
The Light beam itself is a separate prim so if you go into "Edit" mode and check the 'Edit Linked Parts' box and left click the beam you will see you can stretch the beam bigger or smaller to suit your needs.
Far top right you have the main power switch which turns the lights On and when turned Off will shut down all light functions and return the light to its default position.
To the left of the Main on/off you will see a 5 character word which you can use to label the remote, so you know which remote works with which set of lights. Inside the remote you will find a configure notecard which you can use to set this word – For example you could use Set1, Set 2, Front. Back, etc – Just type in the 5 letter word you want and save the notecard.
This is the section on the upper left.
Just click on the ‘Color Picker’ to set the color you want and then use the ‘grayscale’ section just to the right to adjust the light/darkness.
Using this section, you can set the Lights to any color you want.
Below this in the lower left you’ll see a selection of pre-set 'Glow' buttons that sets the lights GLOW.
Below the Main Power on the right you will see 3 Auto On/ Off buttons
*COLOR CYCLE - This automatically changes the color of the lights for you and cycles through a selection of colors.
* BEAM PULSE - This automatically flashes the beam on and off and cycles through the various beam types. You can adjust the timing of this in the Configuration notecard.
* AUTO MOVE – This starts and stops an auto movement sequence.
On the right side you’ll see there is a choice of 6 different textures to change the light beams giving different lengths and styles.
Bottom left you will see the ‘Movement’ section.
The green arrows choose direction and speed – the dark green arrows move the light 15 degrees left and right on each click. The lighter green arrows are medium and fast rotation left and right. The STOP button stops all movement and resets the light to its default position.
You Can View & Demo All My Lights At My Store:re::
See item in Second Life- Mesh Spotlights Floor Spotlight
- Spotlights Floor Spotlight
- Spotlights Floor Spotlights
- Spot Light Club Lights
Great Work
work fine, lights are very well done, HUD easy to use
....:::simply beautiful:::..
These beautiful spotlights, I found them by chance in a sim, they are beautiful elegant. really pretty. but you have to give it a simpler control hud update, ease of use resizing, in a work of art to make them work
love this!
it's a good quality light, comes with handy HUD, and price is yes!! LOVE
Fantastic product!
Realistic looking lights! Am very pleased with this purchase. Simple to open, rez, and the HUD is very easy to use, self explanatory. Had no problems with moving/adjusting placement. Looks great on mid to ultra settings. Recommend if you are seeking very real looking "club" lights!
Does almost EVERYTHING I want!
Even after demo-ing this in-world, I still had two major concerns:
1) Would these remember their settings when returned to inventory, and
2) Can the angle of the spotlight be changed without too much difficulty?
I wrote an NC to Supershine a few hours ago and was going to put off buying this until I heard back. But these things are just TOO darn attractive NOT to buy!
Before I say anything else, the instructions are impressively complete AND easy to read! They are the best I've seen in a LONG time.
I was quite relieved that they do remember most of their settings when taken. About the only setting I've changed that they don't seem to remember is to cycle colors.
These do allow the nPose prop script to be placed inside them, and I have verified these can be rezzed and de-rezzed on command from its menu system.
I have also verified that it's possible to change the texture on the base to transparent so that only the spotlight itself is visible. I plan to make it appear as if it's on a pole rather than the supplied base (I didn't notice this until I read the enclosed instructions after I bought it, but they warn that the scripts probably won't work if the linkset is changed in any way)
Changing the spotlight angle (how close to vertical it points) may be more difficult - I'm still waiting to hear back from Supershine (as I said, it's only been a few hours).
All in all, this is already at least 10 times better than anything else I've seen anywhere. If you want a spotlight for almost any reason, you won't find anything that does the job better.