Thanks for looking at another of Lucis Project products, this item here was several months in the making and now is ready!
This game consist of following a series of tiles from the start to the end where you need to memorize in a set time. If you are a winner you will be added to the highscore list (up to 3 people per level).
You can add up to three prizes into the config notecard, modify the time of showing the path or the time to finish and add your own sounds.
The whole game is only 25 land impact and can be resized as you like.
The script inside is no mod.
Check the video to see what to expect.
View Video »- Highly customizable game.
- Low prim impact.
Simple, yet rewarding and fun
I like puzzle games and nab every single one that does not cost millions of moolah and looks even remotely interesting. I've got this one and I don't regret it. First of all, it's no rocket science - just poke the button, choose difficulty level (I think the only difference is the time limit), try to memorize the highlighted path made out of 0.5 LI mesh tiles (best thing: every time it's random, doesn't seem to be pre-programmed) and then just repeat the pattern by walking over the correct ones. You need to use both your brain and fingers. Secondly - it's only 200 L$ and is modifiable - I've replaced the default textures on tiles with pictures of cats, so it's even harder now to get correct path, as colours add a bit to the overall "noise" and you need to focus harder. That thing has even a simple high score system and can give out cookies if configured right in notecard. ~ And uses a simple script, so it's a very low lag game/toy, perfect to kill some time or fool around with friends. It's maybe not as entertaining as the doodle boards, but for sure shows that creator is trying to chase perfection with their stuff. ^.^