*SRL MESH - Robin Hood Cap (box)
See Package Image for a list of contents.
- TRANSFER - WARNING! You are NOT allowed to sell the sculpty maps / textures - ONLY, as a part of the product you made.
Report any infringements or problems to Steph Mehrtens
Terms of Use
The mesh prims, sculpted prims, sculpt maps and/or textures may NOT be given away or sold with full perms. They are for use as part of your Second Life creations which may only be sold with partial perms.
Please don't steal the mesh prims, sculpt maps or textures for any reason. If you purchased them, they are for use as part of your Second Life creations which may NOT be sold with full perms. Failure to comply will result in appropriate DCMA action and a Second Life Abuse Report.
The Land Impact can change if the model is made larger or scripts are added to it.
The example items are mod/copy only.
Please see the EXAMPLE pictures for how the item looks when textured.
PLEASE do not sell or give away these mesh models with full permissions.
Permissions should be:
EITHER Mod/Copy OR Mod/Trans
*Please Note that this mesh can be resized, though making it much larger might increase it's land impact/prim count.
*Do not change the Physics Shape Types because this product is carefully constructed for minimal land impact/prim count. Changing the Physics shape type could prevent correct collisions and/or raise your land impact/prim count(as with all mesh).
You must read and agree to the rules below to use this kit:
This is a Full Permission Mesh kit for your personal building projects and sellable products.
The following conditions apply:
Next owner permissions = Copy OR Transfer but NEVER both.
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Please see my full TOS (included in this box)
By purchasing his item, you agree to abide by my TOS.
L$ 275
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
More info
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed