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:SS: Horse Life System - Horse Addon

:SS: Horse Life System - Horse Addon

This is Horse Life, a simulation made with love to give life to our beloved secondlife horses!
With that said, the system has been shown to work on Anipet Waterhorses - after initial setup change your horse's description via the build menu to 483.
It HAS NOT been tested with avatars, or other horse brands. If you test it and it works, please let me know and I will update this list!

Gone are those days of riding without rewards - your horse can now be trained in 4 stats at 5 levels, experience hunger, thirst, loneliness, and more!
Below is a overview of how the system works. You can also view the video if you hate reading... :3

H O W - D O - I - T R A I N - M Y - H O R S E ?
When you first play Horse Life, your horses stats will all be zero.
Train your horse in 4 different stats and boost their grade through 5 star ranks.
The stats you can train your horses in are Strength, Agility, Stamina, and Speed.
Depending on how well you train your horse, they will earn titles! There are currently 6 titles that your horse can earn.

W H E R E - A R E - T H E - J U M P S ?
There are prims included in the 'Sim Setup' pack on my marketplace store that will assist you in training your horse - rez them out and get training!
These prims work on a 'collection' based system much like coins in many popular games, simply run over them or jump through them and your horse earns training experience! The prims can be placed on, over, in, or around pretty much anything!
Your imagination is the only limit here to how you train your horses.

D A I L Y - C A R E - F O R - Y O U R - H O R S E
But everyone knows that training horses is only half the fun!
Thats why Horse Life also includes a stat simulation for your horse's basic daily needs!
You will need to make sure your horse stays fed, watered, clean, cared for, and is given enough exercise each day. Horses that are cared for properly will go up in title faster than ones that get neglected, so keep that in mind if you want a Grand Champion!

B O N D - W I T H - Y O U R - H O R S E
In Horse Life, you will find that you need to bond with your horse - this will improve your horses bond over time and give bonuses to gaining titles. Feeding a horse treats is the best way to improve your horses mood! Horse Life comes with a apple that you can feed your horses.
A copy/tranfer version of this script is available in the 'Extra - Loose Scripts' folder so you can make and customize or even sell special horse foods and treats!

H U N G E R - A N D - T H I R S T
Keeping your horse fed and watered is an important task - which is why Horse Life comes with a food trough and a water trough that are already setup for the system.
You can also choose to use your own troughs and waterers, using the scripts in the 'Extra - Loose Scripts' folder.

G R O O M - Y O U R - H O R S E
Keep your horse clean and looking their best each day by using the included Horse Brush. Just attach it, and click it when standing next to your horse! It will animate you giving your equine friend a good brushing and boost their Cleanliness!
A copy/tranfer version of this script is available in the 'Extra - Loose Scripts' folder so you can make and customize or even sell special grooming products!

L O V E - A N D - A F F E C T I O N
Giving your horse affection is a essential part of daily care! You can pet your horse by clicking just above their back where a rider would sit.

E X E R C I S E - A N D - T H E - P A D D O C K
All horses need exercise! Using the included Paddock prim you can make sure they get enough exercise each day by putting them out to pasture. Rez and place the paddock prim over any existing paddock, fence, or open space and park your ponies inside! As they wander around inside their Exercise needs will be fulfilled.

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Absolutely wonderful.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 15, 2024 by Saffie Nightingale

I bought this as well as the sim owners pack and it was worth every penny. Absolutely stunning work by this creator and Id highly recommend it for anyone who loves being and working with their horses.

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More People Need to Know!!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 12, 2024 by Princess Nebula

I grabbed this right away, and I love what its trying to achieve for us. Having that little bit of prompt/muse scripted out to help us adventure with our horses and bond and grow... yeah. That's an experience I am loving now with the Teeglepet with this add-on.

My ONLY down view of it so far is that I wish more Equestrian Sims were adopting this system with their arenas and tools. I want to train publicly so...

IF YOU ARE AN EQUESTRIAN SIM OWNER: Please consider grabbing the Sim-Owner kit and adding the scripts to your set up. I will gladly visit and grow with my horse in your training facility.

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Ive been waiting for a system exactly like this!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 04, 2024 by Cynfire

although I haven't been exercising or training my horse with the system I do feed and water and pet my horse everyday its nice to give a bit of extra life to a Teegle horse I highly recommend this <3

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